Amelia Madziak, Director

Amelia has a Masters of Public Administration, Quality Management Certification, and Bachelor of Community Development. Progressively she has worked in challenging roles in non-profit and in the public sector. Currently her role is Director of Northern Community Health Services with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority at the Churchill Health Centre. Previously she has been a Policy Analyst with Government of Manitoba in Winnipeg, and worked with University College of the North and WorkPlace Education Manitoba to design, deliver, and evaluate adult education.

In her present role she actively transforms how healthcare is delivered, by coalescing the conventional healthcare system with traditional wellness models. Career highlights include leading through the pandemic, partnering with Healthcare Excellence on Promoting Life Collaborative, and being employed by Keewatinohk Inniniw Minoayawin Inc. (KIM) which is a First Nations led health in northern Manitoba. Although she grew up as a settler in Winnipeg, on Treaty 1, she is a guest settler to her home in Churchill, MB a remote, northern, isolated, and hard-to-reach community along the Hudson Bay – the polar bear capital of the world, Treaty 5. Churchill, MB is home to the Dene, Cree, Metis, and Inuit, and is connected world-wide by the vast waterways that people have used since the beginning of time to build relations and thrive. She is a mother, a wife, a sister, and friend to many.