Leigh Bursey, Director

Leigh is an activist, journalist and researcher residing in New Brunswick. He is a former three-term municipal politician, international number-one bestselling author, and reporter on homelessness. Leigh is the founder of the Mount Pearl Streetfriends, a co-founder of the Brockville Streetfriends and is currently studying criminology at Memorial University.

Leigh is a former homeless youth, a former shelter worker and a former provincial Housing Officer.  He is a current member of the Scholars With Lived Experience Advisory Committee at Making The Shift, and a current member of the National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness lived experience cohort.  Leigh currently sits on the board for the Canadian Housing Renewal Association and a steering committee for the Canadian Mental Health Commission that is studying the connections between poverty, substance use and suicide.

Leigh is also a musician, motivational speaker, and clothing designer.  He has been recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 and an award winning young professional in his current city, in his former city and internationally.