Leigh is an activist, journalist and researcher residing in New Brunswick. He is a former three-term municipal politician, international number-one bestselling author, and reporter on homelessness. Leigh is the founder of the Mount Pearl Streetfriends, a co-founder of the Brockville Streetfriends and is currently studying criminology at Memorial University.
Leigh is a former homeless youth, a former shelter worker and a former provincial Housing Officer. He is a current member of the Scholars With Lived Experience Advisory Committee at Making The Shift, and a current member of the National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness lived experience cohort. Leigh currently sits on the board for the Canadian Housing Renewal Association and a steering committee for the Canadian Mental Health Commission that is studying the connections between poverty, substance use and suicide.
Leigh is also a musician, motivational speaker, and clothing designer. He has been recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 and an award winning young professional in his current city, in his former city and internationally.
Leigh is an activist, journalist and researcher residing in New Brunswick. He is a former three-term municipal politician, international number-one bestselling author, and reporter on homelessness. Leigh is the founder of the Mount Pearl Streetfriends, a co-founder of the Brockville Streetfriends and is currently studying criminology at Memorial University.
Leigh is a former homeless youth, a former shelter worker and a former provincial Housing Officer. He is a current member of the Scholars With Lived Experience Advisory Committee at Making The Shift, and a current member of the National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness lived experience cohort. Leigh currently sits on the board for the Canadian Housing Renewal Association and a steering committee for the Canadian Mental Health Commission that is studying the connections between poverty, substance use and suicide.
Leigh is also a musician, motivational speaker, and clothing designer. He has been recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 and an award winning young professional in his current city, in his former city and internationally.
Suicide Prevention Flyer and Tear Sheet
Printable pdf to promote suicide prevention and bereavement resources.
Vocabulary – How to Talk about Suicide
Engage in dialogue with compassion and curiosity that can promote understanding and connection
Toolkit for People Impacted by a Suicide Loss
A summary of tools and supports to help cope with suicide loss
Suicide Prevention & Life Promotion Initiatives
CASP has put together a resource list of Suicide Prevention and Life Promotion initiatives across...
Guidelines for Sharing Experiences with Suicide
These guidelines encourage public sharing of experiences that will be safe for everyone to hear
Toolkit for People Impacted by a Suicide Attempt
Tools. strategies, and resources to help cope with thoughts of suicide
You Can Help With Suicide Prevention
Nine things you can do to help
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