Wednesday September 27, 2023 – The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) is urging all Canadians to take action by supporting Honourable Ed Fast’s Bill C-314 and help ensure legislators do not overlap Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) with what is traditionally understood as suicide for those suffering solely from mental illness.
As mental health advocates, CASP wants to ensure those suffering from mental illness are treated by medical means and not through assisted dying. CASP feels strongly that extreme caution needs to be taken with MAiD and a thought-out, failproof, measured system of safeguards needs to be in place so that those most vulnerable will be protected from a medically assisted pre-mature death that could be avoided by adequate treatment and care.
Last March, the federal government delayed the mental illness provision of MAiD by one year to allow time to create safeguards, but they have not acted on this promise. CASP supports and commends Bill C-314 and are asking all those who agree that Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) should not be applicable for persons suffering solely from mental illness to help us support Bill C-314 and make an impact by contacting your local MP and asking them to vote Yes on October 18, 2023, for Bill C-314.
On our website (link below) we have put together a suggested template that can be used to email or leave a voicemail for your MP. We’ve also included Honourable Ed Fast’s Call for Support, and Bill C-314 for your review.
It is our organization’s hope that, as a caring society, we can work together to ensure people living with mental illness are provided timely and equitable access to mental health care, treatment, and support before we hastily introduce options for them to prematurely die, through MAiD for mental illness.
For more information, please contact us.
Wednesday September 27, 2023 – The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) is urging all Canadians to take action by supporting Honourable Ed Fast’s Bill C-314 and help ensure legislators do not overlap Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) with what is traditionally understood as suicide for those suffering solely from mental illness.
As mental health advocates, CASP wants to ensure those suffering from mental illness are treated by medical means and not through assisted dying. CASP feels strongly that extreme caution needs to be taken with MAiD and a thought-out, failproof, measured system of safeguards needs to be in place so that those most vulnerable will be protected from a medically assisted pre-mature death that could be avoided by adequate treatment and care.
Last March, the federal government delayed the mental illness provision of MAiD by one year to allow time to create safeguards, but they have not acted on this promise. CASP supports and commends Bill C-314 and are asking all those who agree that Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) should not be applicable for persons suffering solely from mental illness to help us support Bill C-314 and make an impact by contacting your local MP and asking them to vote Yes on October 18, 2023, for Bill C-314.
On our website (link below) we have put together a suggested template that can be used to email or leave a voicemail for your MP. We’ve also included Honourable Ed Fast’s Call for Support, and Bill C-314 for your review.
It is our organization’s hope that, as a caring society, we can work together to ensure people living with mental illness are provided timely and equitable access to mental health care, treatment, and support before we hastily introduce options for them to prematurely die, through MAiD for mental illness.
For more information, please contact us.
Vocabulary – How to Talk about Suicide
Engage in dialogue with compassion and curiosity that can promote understanding and connection
You Can Help With Suicide Prevention
Nine things you can do to help
Suicide worldwide in 2019 – Global Health Estimates
Suicide worldwide in 2019 - Global Health Estimates
Statistics – Suicide in Canada Infographic
Public Health Agency of Canada analysis of Statistics Canada Vital Statistics Death Database and Canadian Institute for Health Information Hospital Morbidity Database
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Guidelines for Sharing Experiences with Suicide
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Guidelines for Sharing Experiences with Suicide
These guidelines encourage public sharing of experiences that will be safe for everyone to hear
Talking to Children About A Suicide
This guide is designed to help parents, guardians, and caregivers of children under 12
Suicide Risk Assessment Kit
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Toolkit for People Impacted by a Suicide Loss
A summary of tools and supports to help cope with suicide loss
Together to Live
This is a guide to preventing suicide in your community. The guide will walk you through creating a community suicide prevention plan.
The Promoting Life Together Collaborative
Sharing the Story of the Promoting Life Together Collaborative
Suicide is Everyone’s Business
The four steps in Suicide Prevention and universal responsibilities of the community, healthcare, and government.
Supporting Children and Youth to Grieve After Suicide Loss
This guide is designed to help parents, guardians, and caregivers of children and youth
Guide for Social Media Professionals
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Suicide Prevention & Life Promotion Initiatives
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Suicide Prevention Flyer and Tear Sheet
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