Published by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Developed through input, feedback and guidance of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, the Centre for Suicide Prevention, the Public Health Agency of Canada and people with lived experience related to suicide.
There is no right or wrong way to seek help. This toolkit is not designed to be an exhaustive list of the very wide variety of resources available across Canada for support. This toolkit is a summary of the tools that have resonated most with the hundreds of people who completed the online survey and resources from a literature review completed by the Centre for Suicide Prevention. If you are not finding the tools and resources that resonate most with you, you may consider talking with someone. You may wish to connect with a trained volunteer by contacting, 9-8-8, your local distress centre or Kids Help Phone.
This is a guide to preventing suicide in your community. The guide will walk you through creating a community suicide prevention plan.
15 to 24 year-olds had the highest rates of mood and anxiety disorders of all age groups.
Engage in dialogue with compassion and curiosity that can promote understanding and connection
Nine things you can do to help
Published by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Developed through input, feedback and guidance of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, the Centre for Suicide Prevention, the Public Health Agency of Canada and people with lived experience related to suicide.
There is no right or wrong way to seek help. This toolkit is not designed to be an exhaustive list of the very wide variety of resources available across Canada for support. This toolkit is a summary of the tools that have resonated most with the hundreds of people who completed the online survey and resources from a literature review completed by the Centre for Suicide Prevention. If you are not finding the tools and resources that resonate most with you, you may consider talking with someone. You may wish to connect with a trained volunteer by contacting, 9-8-8, your local distress centre or Kids Help Phone.
Together to Live
This is a guide to preventing suicide in your community. The guide will walk you through creating a community suicide prevention plan.
Statistics – Depression and suicidal ideation among Canadians aged 15 to 24
15 to 24 year-olds had the highest rates of mood and anxiety disorders of all age groups.
Announcing the Launch of our Suicide Bereavement Support Group Facilitators Network
Vocabulary – How to Talk about Suicide
Engage in dialogue with compassion and curiosity that can promote understanding and connection
You Can Help With Suicide Prevention
Nine things you can do to help
Related Information
Partner Resources
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Media Guidelines
The Case for a National Strategy and Nationwide Hotline
Why Do People Die by Suicide?
Promoting Hope and Resiliency is Central to Suicide Prevention